About Me

Maya Shih
5 min readDec 13, 2020


Life is an open book. It’s full of possibilities. Picture Credit: silenus-words

Hello there. I’m Maya S., and it’s nice to meet you, whoever you are. Though we haven’t officially met (or maybe we have), I would like to introduce myself.

I’m still just a student, but I feel my brain is far beyond that. I’m also a Harry Potter fan, self-taught artist, and author.

My life is far from perfect, but I cherish every moment of it. I’m just so grateful for everything I have that others may not. Sometimes it’s hard to see that I (and you!) am unbelievably lucky to be where I am today. But I always get reminded in one way or another.

Sometimes I can’t really find words to describe me… But I guess I could call myself… caring, studious, sometimes insecure, creative, curious, hardworking, and much more.

By the way, I wrote a second “About Me.” Check it out here.

Now you can learn a bit more about me:

First of all, I love Harry Potter. I’m a huge potterhead (for those of you who don’t know that lingo, a potterhead means a dedicated Harry Potter fan.) Harry Potter is definitely one of my favorite book/movie series of all time. It’s the doorway to another world, where things such as magic, wizards, spells, and much more exist. As a member of Hufflepuff house, I try to be caring, kind, and loyal (but it’s not always that easy!) When introducing myself, I always throw in the fact that I love Harry Potter.

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

~Albus Dumbledore

Secondly, I’m an artist. I love everything ART, and I work with all sorts of mediums. I’m not a “professional”, but I do have a passion for art, and that’s what counts. Drawing, painting, sketching, you name it, I love it. Pencil, colored pencil, acrylic, watercolor, I’ve got it. There’s something quite amazing about expressing creativity through art. Many people think art has rules, but I don’t really think so. Art was made for people to break the rules, to have fun, to express themselves! Who needs rules when you have your creativity? Maybe I’ll show you some of my art and art philosophies in the future, but for now, here’s a peek at one of my pieces.

Dolphin At Sunset — Digital Art Using Procreate

Thirdly, I’m an author. But I’m guessing you knew that, because, well, you’re reading this article by me! Just as I love art, I absolutely adore writing. Writing does have rules, but a true author will learn them, only to break them. It’s called experience, alright? I write in all sorts of genres, in all sorts of situations, and in all sorts of styles. I prefer creative writing over essays, but both I consider in my forte. Short stories, poems, songs, raps, essays, articles, and more, are all in my arsenal of writing. Oh, and an occasional diss track rap. ;) (It’s actually a great way to get things off your chest, and practice your rhyming & writing!) For some of my writing, I don’t prefer to share it. Part of me is a little self-conscious. And sometimes, I’ll only share a piece with close friends. I also have a knack for writing pretty convincing emails (to superiors & professionals — I’m talking the school principal, teachers, even the editors of Students x Students!), whether they are regarding ideas, concerns, or questions.

Of course, that’s not all there is to me. Like an onion, I have layers (and a sense of humor… I hope…)

I just have to add this — I’m weird, and there’s nothing anybody out there can do about it. Being weird isn’t a bad thing. On the contrary, I think it’s a good thing. It means you’re unique, with your own unique thoughts, and your own unique feelings. Don’t let society bring you down. Embrace your weirdness and take on your day with confidence!!!

I’m also a Marvel fan, Star Wars fan, bookworm, and friend to many amazing people.

I like to dabble in graphic design — designing digital posters, flyers, logos, and more are pretty fun!

As a cinematography fan, I find filming and directing casual short films fun, though they aren’t exactly Emmy-standard! I’d say I am a decent movie editor (usually using iMovie) as well.

Music is also one of my loves, and though I don’t play an instrument (unless you count that nice ukulele I might pick twice a year), I love listening to music and writing songs (in my free time). I don’t think I have a great voice, so I’m not a singer, but I love to sing (in the shower, to myself, and never in front of anyone else!) Usually, I listen to relaxing music (lo-fi, piano, Hawaiian, etc.), and pop or R&B songs. I love to listen to relaxing music anytime, from studying to aimlessly browsing the web.

Sometimes, my willpower can be at a low, and other times, I can be extremely determined. Part of the time, I’m a neat freak — and then there are times where I’m too lazy to pick up that one pair of socks that have been there for a month. I am a pretty organized person usually (on the outside at least — my brain can be a crazy place sometimes.)

I think at times, I think too much about what others think of me, that I forget to enjoy life as it is… So I definitely want to improve that. Because, though caring for others is great, you still need to care for and love yourself.

One more thing I’d like to add is that I am currently an editor for students x students (for students, by students). Students x students is a Medium publication focused on providing a platform to uplift student voices and give them greater confidence and fulfillment in their writing. If you are interested in joining students x students, please go here for more information, and check out the pub homepage here.

Thank you for reading, and getting to know a bit more about me. Feel free to comment your thoughts! Keep your eyes peeled for more articles by me in the future.

Here’s a little quote to take with you as we part — one of my favorites, in fact. I’ve left it to you to interpret what it means. :)

“When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave them wondering how you did it.”

Farewell. Stay safe and happy!

P.S. A year after I wrote this, I wrote a second “About Me” article, because honestly this one just sucked. It’s not an accurate portrayal of who I am anymore! So if you read this one, why not check out my second “About Me?” I’ve changed in a lot of ways, so if you’re interested:


Special thanks to Ariv Gupta and atharvgups for starting me on my journey on Medium. Atharv recommended an article Ariv wrote to me (on Medium), which I commented on. This inspired me to create a Medium account and write my first article. And shout out to my amazing family and my fellow weirdos (aka my best friends.)



Maya Shih

A high schooler with a passion for writing, art, and expressing my creativity. | Editor-in-Chief + Social Media Coordinator @sxtudents – studentsxstudents.com